
MidsagittalApp: to compute the midsagittal plane and surface on brain images

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MidsagittalApp: to compute the midsagittal plane and surface on brain images.

If you use this software anywhere, I would appreciate if you cite the following article:

H.J. Kuijf, S.J. van Veluw, M.I. Geerlings, M.A. Viergever, G.J. Biessels, K.L. Vincken, "Automatic extraction of the midsagittal surface from brain MR images using the Kullback-Leibler measure", Neuroinformatics, 2014, nr. 3, vol. 12, pp. 395-403. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12021-013-9215-0


The code uses the self-contained project structure introduced in MeVisLab 2.7. To use this in your own projects, please do the following:

  1. Create a new project in one of your packages
  2. Download the source code and put it in the project
  3. Download the dependencies ALGLIB and dlib.
  4. Compile all sources


The main application is the module MidsagittalApp, which should be self-explanatory. Other modules have an associated Help-file.